Welcome to the Privy Reviews Public Roadmap! This document is categorized into different stages: Wishlist, To Do, In Progress, and Done. Each category signifies the status of the respective items on our agenda.

Roadmap Categories

In Progress

In this category, you will find features and improvements that are currently being developed and are actively in progress. We're making steady strides toward completing these items.

To Do

The "To Do" section includes items that are currently on our development agenda. These features are actively being worked on and are planned for release in the near future.


Items in this section are exciting ideas and features that we are considering for future development. These ideas are on our radar, but they are not yet officially planned for implementation.


Items marked as "Done" have been successfully implemented and are now available for you to enjoy in Privy Reviews. We're proud to share these completed features with our community.

In Progress

Bulk Emails & Newsletter

SEO Optimization